Catholic Bethlehem and Jerusalem

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During its long history, Jerusalem has been destroyed,besieged, attacked, captured and re captured.

 The ancient walledcity of Jerusalem is the spiritual center of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

Discover the overwhelming power of this 3000 year old city-its innumerable historic sites and archeological wonders, its magical walkwaysand magnificent views are guaranteed to leave a lasting impression.

We take in the panoramic views of Jerusalem from the top ofthe Mount of Scopus then travel down the mount passing the Biblical Gardenof Gethsemane, Church of All Nations and Kidron Valley that holds monumentalJewish tombs. In the Jewish Quarter, we see the Cardo; the Byzantine-era main streetof Jerusalem. The tour follows part of the Via Dolorosa to the stunning Churchof the Holy Sepulcher. Here we see the site of Christ’s crucifixion and hisburial tomb. 


Bethlehem is believed to be the birth place of Jesus, making it an importanta center of Christian pilgrimage, our main focus is the Church of the Nativity where Jesus was born, the tour stops in Manger Square and we enter the Church of the Nativity which holds the Holy Grotto where the Nativity took place. 

Bethlehem is also revered by Jews as being the home town of David, which was to Jesse, King David's father as well as being Christ's birthplace (Matthew 2:1) and is also the traditional site of Rachel's Tomb, a site celebrated by Christians, Jews and Muslims.

Product Code: 1122

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