The Western Galilee tour

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The Western Galilee Tour


Caesarea was part of Herod the Great’s great buildingproject in the Holy Land during the first century BC.

The Roman remains were preserved for centuries by the seasand which covered and protected the stones. Net to the amphitheater is part ofwhat was once an amphitheater, hippodrome and ruins of palaces.


Haifa is a creative and vibrant city and, as, such,fantastic art venues and cultural attractions can be found around every corner.Haifa’s fantastic location at the slopes of the impressive Mount Carmel, we cansee the terraced Bahai’s Gardens on Mt. Carmel.

In July 2008, the gardens received World Heritage Sitestatus for their universal value as a holy site and place of pilgrimage forfollowers of the Baha’i Faith. The Bahai’s shrine and gardens are inspiredcreation of beauty, grandeur, and exquisite design in a special and tranquilatmosphere like none other.


Acre ( Akko), the largest Crusader city in the country, themighty walls prevented even Napoleon conquering the city. The Crusader fortressbuilt in the 12th century , the Ottoman structures and former Turkish andBritish Mandate citadel prison.

The prison used under Turkish rule and the gallows whichwere used under the British Mandate to hang Jews who broke the British law immigration.

Rosh A Nikra

The most northerly point along Israel’s Mediterranean coast,descend by cable into the limestone grottos, we can enter the cave chambers andtunnels where waves crash against the rocks, and admire the spectacular naturalformation. 

Product Code: 45

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