Catholic Nazareth and Sea of Galilee Tour

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Nazarethand Sea of Galilee Tour


Nazareth is one of the best known towns in the world, homeof the Basilica of the Annunciation, the site is said to have been Mary andJoseph’s home.

In Nazareth we tour the beautiful Church of Annunciationbuilt on the site where the Angel Gabriel told Mary of her future son. Thelargest church in the Middle East, the Basilica stands over the remains ofprevious Byzantine Churches. We find the Church of Saint Joseph built on the sitewhere Jesus father, Joseph had his carpentry.

Sea of Galilee

We travel along the shore of the Sea of Galilee where Jesuscalmed the sea and walked on the water. (Mark 4:35, 6:45-52) The Sea of Galileeplayed a pivotal role in the days of early Christianity. According to tradition, Jesus lived, taught andperformed miracles here and in the surrounding areas. Across the water we cansee the Golan Heights forming a beautiful backdrop as we pass the city ofTiberias.

Tiberias isone of the four holy cities, and the capital of the Galilee. Established inearly Roman times, it was the administrative , religious and culturalcenter of the Jewish nation for centuries until the Arab and Persian conquest.The center of Tiberias is home to a ruined Roman city founded

by Herod Antipas, the son of Herod the Great, in 18 AD. Hewas appointed by August Caesar as ruler of Galilee . He made Tiberias hiscenter and named the city after the Roman emperor, Tiberias Caesar.

We reach the southern region of the Sea of Galilee where theJordan River flows into the Sea of Galilee and where Jesus may have beenbaptized.

Here it is possible to participate in a baptismal ceremonyin the same river that Jesus did so many years ago ( Mark 1: 9-11)

The tour stops in Capernahum where Jesus based himselfduring his minister in the Galilee.

Capernahum is where Jesus is believed to have taught andperformance his miracles, the white ruins of the first synagogue stand out fromthe other buildings in the village which were made primarily of black basalt.Here we see the home of Peter and the Church of the Multiplication. (Mark6:30-44)

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