
Our company is entitled, under certain circumstances and constraints, to change the tour date, pick-up time, drop-off time and tour route according to at its discretion while taking into consideration the tourists’ best interests.

Tourists are obliged to follow the instructions of the tour guide or any other representative of the Company. 

Tourists who decide to leave the tour in the middle before it is completed will not be entitled to a refund or compensation of any other kind.

Our company is not responsible for the loss of any belongings/ items during the tour. 

Your credit card details are protected by the highest level of security.

Your card is charged immediately when the booking is made. In the event that we are not able to charge your credit card for any reason, the booking will not be approved.

Sea of Galilee Tours does not accept any liability arising out of changes to itineraries, or any other matters relating to any our, due to factors outside its control. these factors include wars, strikes, weather, political disputes, border closures, delayed flights, etc . Any expenses incurred by the client arising out of these changes are for their own account.

Clients participating in tours or other activities organized by Sea of Galilee Tours do so at their own risk, the company is not responsible for,  is the clients liability

Client bookings are accepted on the understanding by the client that certain risks exist as an inherent part of travel in Israel, the West Bank , Jordan and Egypt, and clients undertake Sea of Galilee Tours entirely at their own risk, the company is not responsible,  is the clients liability

While the company takes every precaution to ensure the safety of clients, no responsability can be accepted for any death, injury or loss, that might occur to such clients, sustained from any causes whatsover .

The cliient is aware that tour organized by the company enter areas where there is the possibility of heightened tensions and hostilities between population groups and occasional hostilities, violance, abduction, and armed conflict may occur, the company is not responsible,  is the clients liability

The client is aware that tours organized by the Sea of Galilee Tour s may expose them to harm, hostile activities that may adversely affect transportaition, medical care, and the quality of food and water.

Sea of Galilee Tours cannot held liable for any reactions resulting from allergen exposure .

By participing in tours organized by Sea of Galilee Tours the clients assume all responsability for any health-related issues , physical or psychological which may arise as a result of the tour.

Costs in respect of any accident or illness which requires medical attention are the clients liability

The client assumes all personal and financial responsability for any and all risks arising from participating in a tour  including but not limited to the risks described above .

The client agrees

The client agrees to be bound by the aformentioned terms and conditions.

The client has read the foregoing and agrees voluntarily to all the Terms . the client stipulates that he/she is of sound mind , and acting on his/her own free will and without coercion or duress, agrees to the assumption of risk and waiver of liability. the client agrees that he/she is not relying on any oral or written represantations or statements by Sea of Galilee Tours or their represantative , including brochures and the website 

The client stipulates that he/she is over 18 years of age, or is a parent or legal guardian for a minor participating in a tour, and has read and understood all the terms, conditions and waiver of liability.

This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the client and Sea of Galilee Tours and it supersedes all prior or contemporaneus communications (whether electonic, oral or written) between you and us 

Tourists on a tour to Jordan are obliged to bring their personal passports. 

Crossing the Jordanian border requires payment of border taxes; this tax may be changed and updated at the discretion of the Jordanian authorities.

Crossing the Jordanian border requires customs clearance and border control which may entail a delay of up to an hour. 

From the moment of passing through the Jordanian border crossing, the local tour operator is responsible for the entire tour.