The Magic Jewish Galilee

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Tiberias- Magdala-Kibutz Deganya- BeitShean- Sajne ( Joma and Migdal museum and archaeological museum )

Visit Magdala, the beautiful archaeological park, where we will see the ruins of a synagogue of 2000 years ago.  Drive to Tiberias that was stablished around 18 CE by the son of Herods the Great, it was named in honour ofthe second emperor of the Roman Empire, Tiberius and is knwon as the "capital of the Galilee", wewill  visit Rambam’s grave, known also as Maimonides he was a medieval Sephardic Jewish philosopher  rabbi and doctor who became one of themost prolific and influential Torah scholars of the Middle Ages.

We will passthrough Deganya Alef,  the first Kibutz,the place where the idea of kibutz was born. We proceed to Beit Shean, thebiggest archeological park in Israel with beautiful excavations from the Romanand Byzantine periods. Stop at Sachne, where you will have an opportunity toenjoy the water springs located at the foot of the Gilboa mountain, the famousmountain on which King Saul was killed in the battle against the Philistines,we will visit the archaeological museum, and the Joma u Migdal (Tower and Stockade) museum, the best place to understand how they setout the boundaries  of the current IsraelState.


Product Code: 22

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