Touching the Upper Jewish Galilee

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The Upper Jewish Galilee Tour


Safed, ancient capital of Jewish mysticism, the center of theKaballa movement. We will visit the Ha’Ari synagogues, the most importantmedieval synagogues in the city. Stroll around the Artists' quarters' galleries.

Golan Heights, Banias spring, Tel Dan

Continue to the Golan Heights visit the Banias springs and thebeautiful archaeological park of Tel Dan, the place is described in the bible,in the book of Genesis, as the place where Abraham helps his nephew Lot(Genesis 14:14) .

Tel Hai

 Next, a visit to Tel-Hai;see the “Roaring Lion” monument and learn about the heroic battle of JosefTrumpeldor and his comrades in 1920.


Product Code: 14

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